Karina Becerra


Karina was born and raised in Waukesha, WI. Born from immigrant parents and the oldest of three, she has always had a passion for helping the immigrant community. Karina is fluent in English and Spanish. She is currently studying at Marquette University in their Pre-Law Scholars Program, pursuing a degree in Criminology and Law Studies with a minor in Spanish for the Professions. She is excited to graduate in December 2023.  

Karina was happy to complete an internship at Soberalski Immigration Law, and after learning more about immigration law procedures, her interest in legal studies and desire to help her community has only grown. In the near future, Karina hopes to attend law school and continue working toward her dream of becoming an attorney.  

In her free time, Karina enjoys hands-on art projects, listening to music, and spending time with her siblings. 

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