
Ernestina Sánchez Olivares

Mexican Foreign Attorney

Ernestina was born and raised in Mexico City. She earned a law degree from the Law School of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Ernestina has 20 years of experience practicing Mexican Law and has been serving migrants for almost 10 years, first as Consul of Protection and Legal Affairs at the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle, WA, later as Acting Director of Offices Abroad of the Government of Puebla State, and most recently at the Consulate of Mexico in Milwaukee.

She was designated as a Career Public Servant by the Federal Public Administration, a title won by public competition, and rendered her services as Deputy Director of Liaison with the Senate of the Republic at the Ministry of Communications and Transportation. Previously, she had the opportunity to participate in the installation of the National Program for Assistance to People in Emergency Situations for the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (known as DIF).

Over several years, Ernestina provided legal counsel and parliamentary assistance to Federal and local representatives. She has also received recognition as a speaker from local and national authorities.

Her professional goal has been to contribute with her work to disrupt the “evitable pain” of manmade roadblocks to human dignity. This is based on the thoughts of Manuel Gomez Morin, a prominent Mexican political theorist, who said that “The pain of men is the only objective, clear, evident and constant thing. And not the pain that comes from an inevitable source, but the pain that we cause each other, the pain that is originated because our will or our inefficiency to make a new and better organization of human things”.  

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