Erika Perez Alavez


Erika was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the daughter of immigrant parents born in Mexico. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Erika is currently a student at UW-Milwaukee enrolled in Criminal Justice. She is anticipating graduating in May 2025 and going on to study Law at UW-Madison. Erika is also part of the Army National Guard, where her designated job is being a Chemical and Nuclear Specialist. She was activated to help with the Covid-19 pandemic and was also able to assist with Operation Allies Welcome at Fort Mccoy, which sheltered thousands of refugees coming from Afghanistan. Through these experiences, her love for helping the community has grown, and she wishes to continue serving the community throughout her life. In her free time, Erika enjoys working out and exploring greater Milwaukee. She has the desire to learn other languages to be able to communicate better with others and is starting with learning Russian.

Attorney Soberalski’s work has impacted Erika directly as she was able to help her family through the process. She is excited to join the SIL team and impact the community with the same friendliness and efficiency that was provided to her family.