We stand with those fighting against the administration’s horrifying family separation policy


In recent weeks, we’ve all heard the horrific and heartbreaking news stories of children being separated from their immigrant and even asylum-seeking families. Parents have been detained in facilities and even prisons while their children are held in cages sometimes hundreds of miles away. We may be shocked by these stories of cruelty and inhumanity, but we are not surprised. America’s immigration system has been dysfunctional for many years, and the Trump administration’s War on Immigrants has seen some of the most barbaric policies in recent U.S. history.

Soberalski Immigration Law stands with those who fight against cruelty and inhumanity, and fight for human rights and dignity. Despite the painful stories and images, we are heartened to see organizations like the ACLU battle the administration’s policies in court, and the many advocacy groups striving to help immigrants every single day.

That is why we have chosen to donate to Al Otro Lado, a non-profit legal services organization that is focused on providing direct legal assistance to immigrants and asylees on our southern border. They are currently coordinating legal aid for the caravan that arrived at the Tijuana-San Diego border at the end of April, including families and children.

We encourage anyone who can to make a tax-deductible donation to Al Otro Lado at www.alotrolado.org or to similar organizations offering much-needed aid to immigrants.